1) What is a nativity play?
It is a play which recreates the scene of Jesus’ birth and tells of how Mary and Joseph were visited by the Shepherds and Wise Men.
2) What is a Christmas carol?
Caroling (singing carols in the street) is one of the oldest customs in Great Britain.And Charles Dickens [famous author in England] wrote about it, now this story typifies in Chirstmas season.
3) What is a pantomime?
The pantomime doesn't use line. The pantomimer gestures like a man or woman and makes audience laugh. Originally They play some of fairy stories, folk tales and much loved cartoons, which encourage audience participation.
4) What are mince pies? Find a photo of one.
The filling is a mixture of raisins, sultanas, apricots, glace cherries, candied citrus peel, apples, various types of nuts and mixed spices typically nutmeg and cinnamon. Mince pies should traditionally have a star on top, to represent the "Chirstmas Star"which some believe led the shepherds and Magi to the baby Jesus in Bethlehem.
5) Find a photo of a Christmas pudding.
Christmas pudding is a famous dessert which is served in Chirstmas dinner. It includes sweet custard or brandy sauce. Brandy is often poured over the pudding, which is then set a light as it is carried to the table. The lights are turned off so people can see the flames
6) Find a photo of a Christmas cake.
Chirstmas cake is which is decorated with the motif of suger of Chirstmas [ex: Santa Claus Reindeer Chiristmas tree Snow man]. In Japan, many companies of confectioneries make Chirstmas cakes and sell them. They have many kinds of flavor! [Chocolate Strawberry Green tea]. And the shape of cake is not only circle. The roll cake is one of example which is different from circle cake.
7) What are Brussels sprouts? Find a photo of some.
Burssels sprouts are small cabbages. It look like golf balls.